Day 9: Vampire’s Kiss

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Words can not describe how fucking crazy Vampire’s Kiss is. I knew shit was going to get weird this week, but this blew my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I loved every second of this film, like I would watch it on repeat if given the chance, but holy shit that was insane!! I found myself taking so many videos that I was compelled to open a 70 Days of Cage youtube channel to share all of the crazy scenes. From now on all video will be kept here rather than loading it to the site. Yay!

Jennifer Flashdance Beals plays the vampire, which was a very pleasant surprise, I’ve always been a big fan.


Cage played a clearly batshit insane crazier than a coconut New York City executive. I am picturing that Patrick Bateman from American Psycho was based on this character. He gets bit by vampire Beals then starts to lose his mind, tortures his secretary at work, then eventually he kills a woman in a nightclub and all hell breaks loose.

He uses this bizarre accent that I can’t tell if it’s a failure at attempting a trans-atlantic dialect or if it’s supposed to be a sort of 80’s preppy bro. This video is a perfect example of what I’m talking about:

Turned on by a bat

Again, words cannot describe how insane this movie is so I will let the pics and videos do all of the talking:

Vampire’s Kiss Youtube Channel


This is for sure my new favorite picture of him, and likely will be what goes on the T-shirt I make for myself when this little experiment is over:IMG_0464

Without question, Vampire’s Kiss is my favorite Cage experience on the ride so far. I counted about 8 flip outs in this movie, but his role was pretty much a non-stop flip out through the whole thing, so I am conservatively rounding down.


I would like to take this post out on this note:

Next up is Time to Kill!!

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