Day 53: Seeking Justice

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Meh. This movie I could take it or leave it. After watching Drive Angry I think any movie would seem amazing. Here’s the cliff notes: Cage’s wife gets attacked and raped, and while Cage is in the hospital waiting room Guy Pearce offers to have the rapist killed for him by an organization of men seeking justice, and in exchange they may ask him for a favor later. Well, obviously they are gonna ask you to kill someone Cage, but driven by anger Cage agrees to do it anyway. Turns out this organization isn’t all sunshine and vigilante roses, they are killing lots of innocent people too and Cage is balls deep in the middle of the trouble!

This movie kept my attention, but it was a pretty basic bitch overall. This week has been bruuuutal. Please please please say it gets better from here.

Next up is Trespass!

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