Day 39: The Weather Man

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I had never heard of The Weather Man before this 70 Days of Cage idea, and now I know why. This movie was poorly named. I would have titledĀ it “Sad Man Has a Very Sad Life, and He Happens to Work as a Television Weather Man”.

It’s one of those movies that was intended to be a dark comedy, but it really just ended up being dark. Sad, and dark.

Cage was great, obviously, because he’s Cage. And the silver lining was that I had the pleasure of seeing Michael Caine explain to Cage what a camel toe is!

You know, this gives me an idea: from now on, when I am watching a really bad Cage movie I am going to try and find the silver lining scene. So for The Weather Man, the silver lining scene is the Michael Caine camel toe explanation!

Next up is The Ant Bully, an animation!


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