Day 27: 8mm


Alllllright! I just finished watching Snake Eyes, I’m all pumped up on some bad ass Nic Cage action, I’m feeling great, let’s throw in 8mm for our double feature day and keep the good times rolling!!

Wait…. what?? Come again?? A movie about a snuff film? Well….. this Saturday afternoon movie marathon took a very dark downhill turn.

For real though, 8mm was actually a cool movie. Dark, but cool I can’t rip on it to hard, which is really what I love to do, so instead I will show you the only moment in the movie that was not supposed to be comedic but cracked me up:

I love that this is Cage’s way of playing it cool when walking onto the set of a snuff film. Also, the fact that the giant ass bondage guy is named Machine really worked for me.

Also, did I mention that little baby Darrel from the walking dead has a cameo in 8mm?? Check it out!

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Apologies for the potato quality photo, but I was watching a Cage matinee and the light was killing my images. But hey, this is original content people, so give me some credit, aight??

Next up is Bringing Out the Dead!!

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