Day 19: It Could Happen to You

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Ahhhhhh, It Could Happen to You, I just loved this one!! This is the kind of romantic comedy you watch with your mother. And by the way, since I have started this journey through TWC, my mom has mentioned SEVERAL times how much she loves It Could Happen to You. I am watching in Ireland with my sister, so alas we could not watch it with our mom, which would have had some amazing commentary from a woman once described life as “pink and fabulous.” I’ll look down the list and see if there is another cheesy as hell rom-com that I can bring her on board for. That will be a great day in Cage!

What a cast we had going in this film: Bridget Fonda, Cage, and Rosie Perez! Ok, so Rosie Perez is actually so fucking annoying, but at the same time no one else could possibly have played the role of Cage’s money hungry and soulless wife.

No, this is not a video from It Could Happen to You, but I would say this is Rosie Perez’s finest moment. Get into that soul train!

Cage plays a super sensitive nice guy cop, and it really felt unusual considering all of the insane bad guy action we’ve gotten from him so far. He’s actually played an insane person or an asshole a lot so far, so this really did feel like a departure!

There is also a great cameo from a young and manly Stanley Tucci! I had it in my head that he kind of always played a really effeminate dude in movies. Turns out I was dead wrong! He’s just an extremely good actor, and really sold it to me with his roles in The Devil Wears Prada and Burlesque. Please don’t judge me for the fact that I have seen and loved both of those movies…

All in all, It Could Happen to You really taps in the feel good pleasure centers, and you guys know I LOVE IT was a Cage movies taps into the feel good pleasure centers. We really needed it after the boring as hell week of Cage movies we had just survived.

Next up is Trapped in Paradise!

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